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I think those qualify! :)

Hand sanitizer? We use baby wipes all the time now. Works great when the kids are a mess, in the car, and before there is an international incident - chuck a wipe in the back seat!!!

Baby wipes are great for cleaning your white tennis shoes, too!!! Didn't know that, well, now ya do! :)

Thanks for the Meme-ories!!!

Patriot Xeno



A quirky meme? LOL Cake walk for me! Thanks for thinking of me - hmmm...I think.
Merry Christmas!!


LIUSAF: I hear the wipes are better because they actually "wipe away" the germs... thanks for the tip!

PX: Uh, okay? Thanks?

Yankeemom: Haha, I know I thought the same thing! Merry Christmas to you and your family, too!


Meme-tips are my specialty. Thanks for the thanks. Umm, does anyone else wonder if a "thanks for a thanks" actually becomes recursive, and therefore never ending? Would the thanks universe fold in on iteself?

I think we need Meme-wipes for some of our Meme-ories, don't you?

Meme-thinks there's a problem.

Our home phone is totally dead, therefore I am working from home. Oh my, that Memes I have more time to surf the blogosphere ... uh-oh.

Take care and God Bless to all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Universal Soldier

Sorry - not very quirky - well I don't think so any rate!


Is people watching a quirk though? Actually, I think it's the most popular sport in the world next to soccer.


jwookie: Hi there, nice to have ya!
I'm thinking you're right, but I do certainly love to do it! People can be facinating.

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