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Kath, what's up. That's pretty neat. Any time I'm at the airport (and I'm still in the Army), I always make a point of paying for a soldier's meal. That, or buying him a few rounds (and I always join in). Believe it or not, I still get pretty emotional when I see a soldier in uniform (no, it's not a gay thing), I just remember what I went through, and more importantly what my family and friends went through while I was deployed. Keep up the GREAT blog!


Hi Kath...done! Thanks.

pssst, I think it's a gay thing:) Kidding aside, I hope JP and others are never needed to redeploy but it would be our honor to support them again. We've 'met' many wonderful men and women who are serving and can never quite express our gratitude. How do you thank somebody for serving their country, other than simple words. So Thank You to ALL my guys and gals and a big Thank You to the Royals as well. Y'all ROCK!!!


Hi JP! Thanks for reading! I know what you mean, working in the shooting sports store that I do, I get to meet MANY servicemen and women! I make it a point to thank them and be as cheerful as I can.

I didn't think it was a gay thing... until you said it ;-)

SK, thanks for caring about all the soldiers! I know you support them all the way.
Thanks also for mentioning the Royals, I'll make sure Royal sees that! Before I met him, I'm embarrased to say that I really didn't think that much about our allies, but they are SO important and A LOT of times don't get the kind of support our guys get from their countries.

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