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IT Monkey

At least the gullible women who believed him didn't meet this guy first-


I seriously wonder how these people have gotten so far in life already without drowning whilst taking a shower or choking on plastic fruit?

IT Monkey

OK it took off the end of that link- here it is broken up:



Yeah, any real vet I've known just doesn't talk about it, esp randomly. Apparently, there are quite a few military impersonators running around. I think Veterans For Peace had a few who said they were vets and actually had never been in the military. Ah, but then, consider the source.


ITM: Creepy, huh. Plastic fruit, hilarious!

YM: I've had the same experiences. I'm sure I haven't heard even half of my grandfather's experiences in WWII, not to mention everything else he accomplished(he is retired Air Force).

Citizen Grim

Yeah, I had to impersonate a US officer once, but there was no other way to commandeer the destroyer and begin our search for Jurassic Park.

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