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I never was one for all the pomp and circumstance of the traditional wedding. I decided to have fun instead. I hope your wedding day shines!


You two are a neat couple.


Heartfelt thanks to you both!

Patriot Xeno

make sure it isn't too hot outside though - standing outside in a tux is miserable in the heat. everybody will be so disgusting and sweaty by the reception that nobody will want to move


Oh Kath it's so exciting! You have the right attitude so all will be well. I was to have two bridesmaids and one let me down at the last moment. She's still a friend. My parents couldn't afford champagne for the toast so we had sherry instead.
BTW rosemary is for remembrance.


Xen: You know what's hotter than standing outside in a tux? Standing outside in your heavy dress blues - gotta love a man in uniform! The rest of the cast will be in church dress, no tuxs at this party, not our style.

Pat: Thanks for the positive comments! It's so nice to hear other people talk about their weddings. I love the scent of rosemary, but I didn't know meant that - THANKS!


At the risk of sounding hokey, most people worry more about the wedding than the marriage its self. Glad to see you're not one of them. Hubby and I weren't either and it's lasted 30 years. I wish you both the same success and happiness.


I don't think that's hokey at all! Very smart. Congratulations on your marriage - it's awesome to have such great examples of how to make it work! :o)

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