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Citizen Grim

We did the exact same thing - we all went out to a "dueling piano bar" the night before. Well, us 'kids' anyway. :)

Also, same thing for the bridesmaids - we said they could pick out whatever style looked best on them. Definitely the right choice.

We [finally] got our professional pictures back just recently, so I'll be posting a select few on RHOG I suppose. We didn't have the foresight to hide our faces, but... oh well. :)

Citizen Grim

btw, unrelated, but have you seen the blog Britain And America? It's from the people who made 18DoughtyStreet, and they're both pretty good.


Hey that's awesome (all of it!)! I went to a dueling piano bar in Fort Worth last year, it was great fun, highly recommend to those who've never been.

Can't wait to see the photos - was hoping you wouldn't hold out :o) Thanks for the links, hadn't heard of them!


The curls look amazing, very romantic start for the day. Piano bar sounds ace. I went for a run on my wedding day as i was awake excited so early and didn't want to wake anyone else!
Come on, we want to see the dress.


All the hair looks great and very romantic. You are very tantalising:)

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