Since I've been living in the U.K. (going on three months now, can you believe it?!) I've been asked some interesting questions and found out some interesting things. Here's a taste:
What are collard greens ( I have no idea... had to ask my mom)
What are hominy grits ( yeah... didn't know that one either, how almost embarrasing. Almost because I don't claim to be from the South South. Arizona is not South South.)
Do we get fresh milk in the U.S.? Or isn't there enough to go around? (though to be fair to my lovely Irish co-worker, she had seen some program on how the U.S. would be having a milk crisis by 2010 or something due to farmers being pushed around with taxes or something. But I didn't know that until later on, and was blindsided.) :o)
All of my co-workers thought that there were 52 States. Then we all went to naming them and I was asked, "Well what were the other two I was thinking of then?"
The U.K. does not seem to stock hot dog buns. Also, they don't do pancakes like I'm used to - they are more like crepes and are served with a sprinkle of sugar and lemon. There is NO maple syrup!
Or Oreos. Though, one of my co-workers is going on holiday in Spain, I think, and she said they have them there and she'll bring me some back.
Oh yeah, I have a job! I did a short-term temp job for a fancy hotel, and then was offered two long-term temp interviews. I ended up taking the second because I felt more comfortable with the people, and so far so good! They have taken me in and I feel really happy.
I'll have the job through September, which takes me through the time that Royal will be deployed. Nice!
Kath- availability of certain more specialised things vary according to what part of the country you live in. The cities are more cosmopolitan so it's easier to get hold of more exotic thngs. Not that hot dog buns are exotic:) the job sounds fine. Well done!
Posted by: Pat | April 03, 2007 at 03:58 AM
Thanks Pat, I actually was told there's a place that sells Oreos nearby! Yay! I also have my Mom & Dad sending me U.S. staples, which is nice :o)
Posted by: Kath | April 06, 2007 at 02:37 PM