If you'd like to catch up!
So there I was... flapping about the possibility that my husband might be brought home from his mission, feeling completely alone for the first time since I've been in Britain these past 4 months, and most of all freaking out that something might be wrong -- especially the possiblility of an ectopic pregnancy.
My lovely co-worker Carrie followed me back to my house where I packed a bag just in case, let the puppy out, and called my parents. I did not email Royal. This was because I didn't know anything and didn't want him to worry. I hadn't actually told him about the pain at all, which he later was upset with me for - understandably so - but I did what I thought was right at the time!
Carrie drove me the long way to the hospital. The whole way she tried to keep my spirits up! When we got there we had to register at the Emergency part and then sit and wait. And wait. Finally I was called through the doors... only to find out that they just wanted to take my blood pressure, temperature, and a description of what was wrong. Then I was sent out to wait again. And wait!
When I was called through again I was asked to give a urine sample - done - then placed in a rather old, sort of run down room. They told me to put on the hospital gown which of course I put on the wrong way! I know, silly girl. Does my being nervous count for something?! Blood was taken. More waiting.
The doctor finally arrived, a young-ish woman wearing a green shirt, a black skirt, and knee high black boots! She took about half of my medical history then said she'd be back. More waiting! She came back, finished my history, felt my stomach, and informed me that it probably wasn't appendicitis because the pain wasn't right. Check one. It wasn't an ectopic pregnancy because I wasn't pregnant. Check two (!). She couldn't tell about the cyst, I would need a scan for that, but she wasn't "concerned" and would give me the final word when the blood came through.
More waiting!
By this time I was so hungry and my head hurt so bad that all I cared about was going home! Another guy came in to take my blood pressure and temp again - and tell me that I'd be seeing the doctor soon, to which I said I already saw her and he said, "Oh... okay. Oh! you're the one waiting for blood!" Yeah! Nah, I tease but he was very cool. He had crazy hair. They finally kicked me out of the room which was good because I really didn't need it and I'm sure there were others that did.
The blood came back and everything was fine. The doc gave me the option of going home: "I would be happy to send you home." Or to be admitted: "If you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight because of worry, then I will admit you if you want." I chose to get the hell out of there! I figured that I'd had cysts rupture before, I know the pain (worst pain ever) and the fact of the matter is that even if the hospital was 10 minutes away, they couldn't do anything for the pain in time. So I'd take my chances in the comfort of my own home.
Since I chose that option, she said I could come back tomorrow for a scan or she could order a scan for me at a closer hospital (but not one with an emergency or really any care besides babies, the elderly, and some women's doctors, just in case you were wondering why I didn't go there originally). I would probably have to wait a week or so for the second. I chose the closer hospital because I'm just not comfortable driving so far. Still waiting to receive the appointment date.
I'm great now, guess the doctor was right not to be concerned. She thought it might be the stress. Damn if that stress doesn't get me every time! All of the people I saw were really nice, but it drove me crazy not being able to get a scan done right away, that night. That and the waiting, of course!
In conclusion:
11 Hours From Beginning to End
7 Medical People Doing Various Things
3 Urine Samples
4 Pregnancy Tests
3 x Blood Pressure
3 x Temperature
2 People Feeling My Tummy
1 Empire Biscuit, 1/2 small box of Coco Pops (don't ask) 1/2 Cup of Tea, 2 1/2 KFC Chicken Strips, Some Fries, 1 Bowl of Rice Krispies -- what I had to eat that day.
I think it was the KFC chicken strips.
Glad you're still living, and thanks for the blog comments!
Posted by: Goalie | May 15, 2007 at 10:26 PM
I do love chicken. But really, anything at the time would've worked! I'm glad we went out because it gave me the opportunity to buy Carrie dinner (even if she didn't want me to and it only really cost about 3 pounds)!
Posted by: Kath | May 17, 2007 at 01:57 AM