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Kath i am so sorry you have the dreaded shingles and hope you make a speedy recovery. I'm glad you find solace in reading the bible. I find it in prayer and really must start reading the bible again. Ours seem to be such small print but the next time I'm in book shop...
You really are going through the mill. Chin up!


Your "dramatic" part certainly seemed so! Wished I could have helped; wish I knew someone there who could help. And then came your reminder that there _is_ Someone we both know who can help.

How excellent that you seek comfort in Him; how funny that you mentioned James!

I went to a Bible study on James last night and had a lesson from the previous weekend hammered back in.

On Sunday mornings, I pick up my 92-year-old friend for the drive to church. Last week, I expressed my frustration with a situation and said I didn't know what to do. *You praise God. You praise Him for the situation; you praise Him for His plan. You just praise him.*

"No, no; you don't understand..." I thought. But what can I be going through that she may have missed in her nine decades?

So I praised God for the situation...and it was rectified that afternoon.

I got whiny yesterday afternoon while mowing the lawn, then decided to praise Him. For the grass (which reminded me of a Holocaust survivor's book I'm reading, and her lack of grass, etc.). For the dead bird I mowed around, because there are so many more live ones. And then the rest of the lawn wasn't so bad.

Then came last night's study on James and the whole *Consider it pure joy when you face many trials...* Consider it...? How do you do that? Last night, I caught on that the practical application is the praising God bit.

Your first Philippians verse said, essentially, the same thing. Praise God. Good reminder. Thank you for hitting it from a different angle!

And again, hang in there!


Hi Pat! Prayer is an amazing thing - and I have to give credit for not breaking down!
Goalie, that's about it isn't it?! Very much like my Mom always says - 'in everything give thanks'


shingles are dangerous and painful...

when they are healed, ask the Dr. about capsacian cream...

prayers said...


Is it bad that my comment was about as big as your post? Hmm.


AWTM: I will certainly do that, thank you for your support :o)
Goalie: Haha, nope not at all

Citizen Grim

Philippians is one of the best books of the Bible - so much good stuff packed in to just a few short chapters.

Romans 8 is another good one.

The only long bits I've ever memorized are Ps 23 (of course), Ps 46, Hebrews 11, John 1:1-14, and Isaiah 6:1-8.

Unfortunately, I'm probably pretty sloppy on most of those now... :P

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