Royal Mail (finally) agrees to postage-free packages for British troops
Only for the Christmas holidays (they will be "reviewing" a possible continuation after) - but it's SOMETHING!!
-- "Theresa Theobald, a mother whose son is serving in Afghanistan and who had been campaigning for free parcel deliveries to the troops, welcomed the news. She said that she had spent more than £400 over the past six months on sending "goodies" such as food and toiletries from home.
"It is the only morale they have really. It brightens their day up when the post gets delivered to them," she said."
Freakin' awesome.
**UPDATE Aug 23**
The mother mentioned above, Mrs. Theobald, left a lovely comment to this post that also contained some very important information - If you are a British citizen, resident or ex-pat, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to this site page to sign the 10 Downing Street petition to reduce/or free parcel postage for soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan. THANK YOU!!!!!
Royal Mail overview of HM Forces mail
** Big thanks to Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive, Acute Politics and Politics of a Patriot for posting about this!
About time too!
Posted by: Pat | August 21, 2007 at 04:34 AM
hi i m the mother above....please do keep signing PARCELS43 its on th no 10 website...we hope to keep free post in place but a u turn could happen at any time...i m asking that people put supporting parcels43 on all mail this will raise the profile of the campaign...i am very proud of my viking soldier son and proud of all the men and women of our military,they are serving in difficult times and i'm sure for many years to come ,any boost to their morale is fantastic and knowing their families are not having to pay large ammount to send boxes of morale to them will be comforting...
Posted by: teresa theobald | August 22, 2007 at 11:26 AM
Thank you for the tip and for visiting the site! You are absolutely right about boosting morale and I will add the site you gave to this post :o) God bless you and keep your son safe!
Posted by: Kath | August 23, 2007 at 03:25 AM
Hi Kath! Don't know if you remember me, but I was a JP supporter when he was in 'stan (and am again). The site says in order to sign, you need to be a British citizen or resident.
Posted by: SK | August 29, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Hey SK, of course I remember you - great to hear from you again! yes I know, I wish that anyone could sign, but I have to settle for trying to tell as many Brits as I can!
Really hope all is well with you these days
Posted by: Kath | September 01, 2007 at 04:15 PM