This is what the British government says to everyone. British citizen or illegal immigrant. I'm not British, but I know a helluva lot of them and they would all agree. I stumbled across this article: Pay for college by having a baby & claiming benefits, teen orphan told on the Hot Air site.
A sixth-former whose parents died within months of each other said she was told to have a baby so she could afford to stay in school. Kirsty Oldfield, 17, is studying for her A-levels and hopes to study psychology at university. But although she works part-time at a restaurant, she does not have enough money to live on. She said that when she told benefits advisers she would have to leave school if her £30-a-week state support was not increased, they told her that her only option was to get pregnant.
If Kirsty were a teenage mother, she would be eligible for child benefit, child tax credits and housing benefit as well as income support.
I read it, was a little shocked and moved on.
A few days later I remembered and told my husband who I thought would be as shocked as I was. Nope. Royal has a friend who has a little sister who got pregnant by her boyfriend at 17. She was going to college and working a part-time job at the time. When she applied for a council house she was turned down. They asked about other benefits and the girl was told that she could only really get any money or benefits if she stopped working. Altogether. Just cease. Cease and sponge.
I can't even comprehend this stuff. Neither can Royal really except that he's so used to hearing it. I started working at 15 and Royal at 13, non-stop ever since!
Obviously I could go on and on about the Nanny state, raising kids to be worthless members of society (like we need any more of those), why don't people stand up, the system change, why are we punishing the good hardworking people who are paying out pound after everloving pound to take care of spongers just so they can raise more spongers .....
But that pretty much says it all.