When my husband was visiting this Christmas we had to go to the grocery store and one of the things on our list was tampons. So we're standing there in the tampon aisle, me scanning the many colorful boxes and Royal just scanning in general.
I'm deep in concentration when all of a sudden I hear small laughs coming from behind me. Which continues to grow into great fits of manly laughter.
On the top shelf was an assortment of one dose yeast treatments.
Now, my husband is the most mature guy I know. He doesn't get squeamish or giggly-girly talking about that time of the month, or pregnancy or anything like that. So why this reaction to one dose.... ?
In Britain, dose is slang for a sexually transmitted disease.
HA! That's great.
I remember working back in the grocery store, we'd all fight over who got stuck stocking the tampons aisle.
Posted by: Patriot Xeno | February 19, 2008 at 05:07 AM
Men! You can't take 'em anywhere!
Posted by: Pat | February 20, 2008 at 08:12 AM