What is up with strangers asking personal questions? And in work environments no less!
I have a friend who is married and works in a retail shop. She tells me that people come in off the street and ask her if she has kids. When she says no, people ask when they're going to try! Or why don't they have kids! She usually just says they have a puppy and that's enough for now.
I mean really. I would never do that.
I had a guy in ordering something from me the other day and while he was waiting he asked me if I was in school (even though I'm turning 25 this year, on average people guess my age at about 18).
I said, "No, sir" with a smile, but not elaborating because 1. I was concentrating and 2. I didn't feel the need to.
He replied, "So you're just going to work here for the rest of your life then. Slave away for (name of company) until you're old."
Seriously. He said that. I just gave a tight smile and said "Yes."
Why should I have to go back 3 years to explain why I didn't finish school? Why I'd been going, making good grades until the semester before I got married so that I could take time off to plan the wedding and work full time. Why I wanted to move to Britain to be with my husband and we couldn't afford college over there - especially when I'd already completed about two years in the United States? Why I'd become very sick and when I came back to the States I wasn't well enough to go to school AND work. And I had to work because I have bills.
Why should I tell him all of that, and the fact that I'm planning on starting back again in the Fall?
No sir, I will not be working here for the rest of my life. I do have goals that include school.
Frankly, this is a great job anyway. I don't look down on any honest job.
I just don't get why people do that. I appreciate attempts at small talk, I really do.
That's why I like what I do, I like being nice to people. I smile a lot. I'll laugh at your jokes.
I'll do what I can to serve you properly.
But please please stay out of my personal life!
Thinking back, this type of thing happened to me while working in Britain, too.
The general public can be a shower. Sometimes one just has to take a deep breath, smile and not rise to the occasion. Cheeky so and so's!
Posted by: Pat | February 25, 2008 at 08:18 AM
Pat, you always make me feel better!
Posted by: Kath | February 25, 2008 at 09:20 AM