At least that's what 58 percent of British people polled think. That's not the worst.
Wait for it... wait for it...
23 percent think that Winston Churchill was a myth. A MYTH!
Also myths according to the 3,000 surveyed: King Richard the Lionheart (47%), Florence Nightingale (23%), Charles Dickins (3%). You can see the full list here.
Not only was Sherlock Holmes real, but so was Eleanor Rigby (47%), Mona Lisa (35%) and the Three Musketeers (17%). Full list here (same as above).
Just because it's a British poll doesn't mean it's just the British. Anyone who ever watches Leno or Letterman do their man on the street bit knows that. My Dad, a university professor, was just telling me yesterday that in each of his classes he asks the students what century our American civil war took place. In every single class, about 10% to 15% get it wrong.
I don't claim to know everything (well, occasionally...!) but I work pretty hard to learn constantly. I go through 2-3 books a month. I read the news. I make it point to bring up current events with my family and friends so I can hear other points of view and articulate my thoughts and ideas.
I am the only person my age I know that reads for fun.
Maybe that's what's wrong today. No desire to expand. I'm not saying I'm the answer, (for heaven's sake, what a world that would be) but I'm sure as hell gonna always try to be better.
Brought to attention by Israellycool, who has some links to show why he's not surprised this is British. Just as some extra 'holy cow' I'll throw in this post from Hot Air.
Having spent time in a British hospital, (not that you need to have to be upset by the first item) I know how I would feel if someone wasn't washing up properly. Funny thing, I was in the hospital and about the third morning I was there I finally decided to buy a newspaper from the very nice lady. What's on the first page? A huge story on the frequency of MRSA in British hospitals! Yeah, I refrained from purchasing any more for the next two days...
I know Winston was realin 1946 because I saw him and he gave me the Victory sign. He had a skin like a baby:)
Posted by: Pat | February 06, 2008 at 09:56 AM
That's incredible! What a memory to have! Skin like a baby, I wouldn't have guessed :o)
He is definitely someone I would have liked to have had a conversation with.
Posted by: Kath | February 06, 2008 at 11:12 AM
i read for fun, am in the ballpark of your age, and you know me.
Posted by: Patriot Xeno | February 07, 2008 at 05:17 AM
You are absolutely correct Xeno. Though to be fair, I'm not sure I knew you read books for fun (but I bet you're going to say you posted about it!) But knowing you, thinking about it now, I should have guessed.
There's actually a couple of bloggers my age in the sidebar, I bet most of them read for fun...
I'm sorry I left you out, please forgive me ;o)
Posted by: Kath | February 07, 2008 at 07:09 AM