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David M

that method seems...odd.

I've never made Iced Tea myself, preferring it strong, with milk and no sugar.
I can't quite imagine how you'd make it iced. You don't just whack a couple of PG Tips in a big jug of cold water, do you? How would it brew?

Perhaps you'd better do that guide...


Hi David M! I am all in on the guide now, look for it tomorrow :o)

Thanks for visiting!


Ha Ha My husband and I are planning to move to London in a few years, and he is a HUGE sweet tea fan. We make it with stevia, but its still sweet and cold. But I do want to correct one thing- REAL Iced Coffee is not made hot then poured over ice. Iced coffee is made by soaking coffee beans in small amount of water for a day, making a coffee concentrate, then mixed with ice cold water-iced coffee. Anyway, thanks for posting this!


Hi Robin! London is pretty sweet (though a little too big to live in for my taste!) I hope everything works out perfectly for you both. I'm hoping the next time Royal and I make it over we'll spend a little more time there.
Thanks for your note about the coffee - I'm not a coffee drinker myself, that's the way my Momma makes it (I'm sure it's a little more complicated then that, though.)

Thanks for visiting :o)


do English people like to drink sweet tea?

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