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We have unbelievable instances of ignorance over here I assure you:)

Lemon Stand

Amazing. I guess it's a good thing my daughter just got accepted to a University in Britain. (Which she is over the moon about!) It'll be interesting to see what kind of history classes she'll take... and of course, maybe she can learn to speak English instead of 'teen speak'.


Ah... teen speak. Truly a foreign language! It's disappointing, but thankfully few and far between, even in Britain - thanks Pat :o) I hope your daughter has a fantastic time and really grabs every opportunity. I wish that I had done that while I was living in Britain.
Thanks for your comments - you guys are the best!

M.L. Littlefield

I'm studying to become a history teacher, and believe me, American kids will know all about the Queen and British history by the time the year's out! Hoorah!


Me, too! Working on my undergraduate and hoping to go on to a Masters. Eventually would like to be a professor and teach WWII and the Holocaust. You go, girl. I like your site - adding it to my sidebar :o) Thanks for commenting!

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