Which is especially funny because my husband hates tea in any form. He's a half English (his Dad), half Scottish (his Mum) guy that hates tea. Doesn't even like the scent of most of them. I'm sure there are many like him in Britain, but by golly you tell a Texan that an Englishman doesn't care for tea and watch their reaction! Gold.
I adore tea - hot, cold, latte - whatever. I always have. It was a staple in my home growing up. If I'm drinking cold I usually mix Constant Comment with Tazo Awake black tea. Though sometimes I'll go with Lipton and Raspberry Royale. If I'm drinking hot it's usually PG Tips, Twinings Earl Grey or Constant Comment again. If it's a tea latte, it's always chai. Weird, because I don't care for chai in regular tea... I will base a decision on where to go out to eat on who has great iced tea. It's true.
Kinda random, but it's what I was thinking about! What kind of tea do you drink?
Related: How the British do Iced Tea
Kath's Guide to Making Iced Tea
I used to drink nothing but Earl Grey. My husband is an avid tea drinker and although we are always being given exotic and super brands of tea we mostly drink Typhoo now.
Posted by: Pat | April 07, 2010 at 05:22 AM
I remember enjoying Typhoo but I never see it in texas... will have a better look next time I'm in the big city! Do you drink it with milk & sugar or just the tea? I vary.
Posted by: kath | April 07, 2010 at 08:27 AM
We both have milk but I also have sweetener. My sister has always had tea without milk or sugar.
Posted by: Pat | April 13, 2010 at 05:48 AM
So glad to hear you enjoy Bigelow's Constant Comment in both hot and iced forms! (We have some great iced tea "recipes" on our website www.bigelowtea.com. You might want to check it out!)
-Deb for Bigelow Tea
Posted by: Bigelow Tea Blog | April 16, 2010 at 05:36 AM
Pat - Everybody's different! As long as it's tea - I'm there!
Deb - Thank you for your comment! I will definitely check out those recipes. Appreciate it :-)
Posted by: Kath | April 28, 2010 at 10:51 AM
ooooh ... you mentioned MY FAVORITE!!!
my Dad was from the UK and i am first generation US of A born and a California Native (meaning, not a transplant!!!). i experienced tea quite a bit from my Mom, as my Dad hated it!!! i like it once in a while ...
now, since you mentioned so many teas in your post, you gotta figure out which one is my favorite ... :)
Posted by: Fix4RSO | October 15, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Oh goodness... I'm going to guess Constant Comment! Only because it's my all time favorite. So... which one is it?!
Posted by: Kath | October 28, 2010 at 08:59 AM