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Trust then to pick a helpless woman.


Oh I nearly missed the rest of the story. What an outing. I hope the third thing doesn't happen. If anything like that does happen how great to have two Marines there.
Do they hire themselves out?:)


Haha, yup a lot happened that day. So far, so good on the 3rd thing - I think we're in the clear! Thank goodness.
Hmm, what a good idea! But for you and yours, give us a call anytime and it's free of charge ;-)


wow! definitely one crazy day!!!

i'm glad you all are doing well, and happy you are keeping up on your blog (i, however, have slipped away for quite some time) ...

take care, and God Bless!!!


HEY! It's great to hear from you again! I've hit a stumbling block with my writing, but hopefully inspiration will strike more frequently. I hope you and your family are well as well ;-)

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