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It's what we would call 'naff'.
ie- bad taste.
It can also be used as a verb as when Princess Anne told reporters to 'Naff off!'


Tell me about it - definitely naff. I should integrate it into my vocabulary... no one would know what I was talking about! ;)

Really, really happy to hear your wonderful news, Pat x


Kath, totally agree with you! My hubby served in N. Ireland with the Royal Marines in the 1980's and finds the names for these drinks and cupcakes to be disgusting and horrendously disrespectful! He is not fond of N. Ireland at all, as he had terrible experiences there (and lost several good friends to these terrorists bombs). He has basically said he will never set foot back in that country ever again!! Once he retires from the RMC's next year (27 years)and we immigrate back to the states, he says he plans on using St. Patrick's Day as a good day to start a "bonfire" with the N. Ireland flag...more exaggeration than anything..I think. Can understand his feelings though.


Marci - I'm sorry that your husband lost friends in Northern Ireland. My heart breaks for the families and friends of lost loved ones! I can completely understand why he is hurt and offended by the words and actions of ignorant people.

27 YEARS!! Congratulations to you BOTH! That is darn impressive and something to be extremely proud of! Please thank him for his service for me :)

It's lovely to hear from you!!


Words absolutely matter. People should definitely think about that before using any words that sound "cool" out of context...

rc helicopter

Impressive blog! -Arron

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