Took me a bit to find it, but ain't that always the way. (Update - background posts with articles & sites: here and here) Lucky for you, kind reader, Royal and I watched it "together"* before he deployed and he gave me a few notes. These will be listed underneath the vids. There are five parts and do contain questionable language.
6:33 ish - Those nods (Marines-in-training) that do require a haircut had to pay for it on the spot
8:50 ish - When Royal was in training they did not receive those tracksuits, they walked around in civvys (civilian clothes) he's heard that the lads with the tracksuits have to give them back after the first two weeks.
1:02 ish - About this time and for the next three minutes all I heard was Royal mumbling about how "we never had any bloody quilts!!" Or duvets, or duvet covers. All he received was a couple of sheets, a pillow, a pillowcase, and two "itchy" blankets.
2:55 ish - The music playing for the next minute or so is 'A Life on the Ocean Wave', a very important song to the Royal Marines. Also the ringtone for Kath's mobile while she was in Britain. (Good Commando wife that I am!)
Just one here:
6:17 ish - Royal actually has a photoshopped version with all the lads that didn't make it through blacked out. Only ten men passed out (graduated) of Royal's troop.
No special notes for this segment
3:25 ish - The dreaded mud run. Usually only used if - like in the video - the guys are late or slacking in some other way. Royal's troop did not have to do a mud run until week 21 and even then it was not for any particular offence, just to "give the lads a good kick up the arse" in Royal's words. [Royal's mud run story here.] Royal was not impressed that the troop in the video had to go through one so early in training.
Altogether, Royal thought it showed as much as it could have within an hour. Mostly he thought it seemed soft and had no trouble laughing (a lot)at the Caribbean bloke that seemed to have so much ... to whine about.
Royal unfortunately will not be able to see the rest of the episodes as he is deploying tomorrow. He's pretty bummed about that. But let's be honest, he's gonna go live the show!
I will be hopefully finding 'Commando: On the Front Line' on you tube each week and posting. That's right, you can see them here. Or You Tube. But also here. HERE!
* By "together" I mean over the phone, saying one, two, three to start it at the same time and all that. Great fun.
Commando Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
55 Year Old Commando (follows the filmmaker of Commando: On the Front Line)
** Update **
Thank you to Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive and Mrs. Greyhawk from Mudville for posting and for all the readers for visiting! Hope this series helps y'all understand the making of the Royal Marines that much more (hell, speaking of understanding the RMs, I'm still learning and I'm married to one of them!)